1. Will this ban hurt our local businesses? No Local grocers spend $.02 to $.05 per bag and give out 10,000+ /week. They’ll save money if customers bring their own reusable bags. Many local retailers have already voluntarily stopped using plastic checkout bags. Local retailers can advertise and collect revenue through the sale of reusable… Continue reading →
Reasons to Ban Plastic Bags
Plastic bags: pollute our land and water. Because they are so lightweight, plastic bags can travel long distances by wind and water. They litter our landscapes, get caught in fences and trees, float around in waterways, and can eventually make their way into the world’s oceans.
Bike Share Program Proposed for Acton, Maynard & Other Local Towns
The Acton Planning Department and a company called Zagster have been working on a proposal for a bike sharing program. The proposal is scheduled for discussion at the January 8, 2017 Board of Selectmen meeting.
Green Acton supports the Environmental Justice Bill
At our December 2017 meeting, Green Acton signed on to the letter below in support of the Environmental Justice Act (H.2913 / S.426). And here is a link to a one-pager explaining this proposed legislation.
Green Acton Draft of Sustainability Policy
At the request of the Board of Selectmen, Green Acton prepared an initial draft of a town-wide Sustainability Policy for Acton. After receiving feedback from Green Acton members, a small working group of volunteer editors was formed to amend the draft policy to integrate and reflect the feedback from membership. The result of that work… Continue reading →
Green Acton position and rationale on re-opened Nagog Pond hearing
Green Acton position for Nov 20, 2017 re-opened public hearing on Concord’s plan to expand water treatment plant at Nagog Pond: Position: Because the draft Modified Special Permit Decision document fails to protect the quantity and quality of Acton’s water, in clear opposition to the Acton 2020 Master Plan and the will of the… Continue reading →
Why Is Dynegy on my Eversource electricity bill?
Dynegy, an electricity supply company, is the vetted supplier for the first two years of Acton Power Choice (APC) — the new municipal electricity bulk purchasing program that started in Fall 2017.
Spreadsheet of gas leaks in Acton
This spreadsheet is tracking what we know about gas leaks in Acton. It includes the data from National Grid, and data from the MAPC/HEET study.
Here’s the official Acton Power Choice letter of August 2017
Did you get a letter that looks like this in the mail? If you didn’t, either you are not an Acton Eversource customer, or you chose an electricity supplier some time ago that isn’t Eversource. If you don’t remember getting this letter, but you want to participate in Acton Power Choice, get a recent electric… Continue reading →
Media coverage of sustainability policy discussion
The Beacon covered Green Acton’s July 24 presentation at the Board of Selectmen about a sustainability policy: http://acton.wickedlocal.com/news/20170727/acton-selectmen-address-sustainability-goals You can also watch it on Acton TV’s youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQ24dJzzf-c&t=94m20s