
The Land Use Committee reviews local land use activity, proposes solutions to identified concerns or problems, and advocates for them as land use in Acton relates to the Town’s many environmental emergencies: climate, biodiversity, water, toxins, population, and social justice.

The Land Use Committee generally meets on the last Wednesday of the month via Zoom. All members of the public — especially new folks — are welcome to attend.

At each meeting, the committee expects to spend the first half of the two-hour meeting on current goals. Then, as time allows, there is discussion of sustainability matters in regard to specific properties or projects in Town, and/or other public policy matters that have come to the committee’s attention.

Get Involved:

The Land Use Committee can be reached at landuse-contact@greenacton.org.

Whether or not you can attend a meeting, those who live in, work in, or visit Acton are encouraged to suggest land use topics that are relevant to creating a more-sustainable community.
