SJC to Hear Oral Arguments on Nagog Pond Water Rights on Dec. 2

  On December 2, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) will hear oral arguments in the lawsuit over which towns (among Concord, Littleton, and Acton) have rights to withdraw water from Nagog Pond. Because of Covid-19 restrictions, oral arguments are being held virtually, so the public can watch the live stream. 

PFAS Panel Discussion Summary

On October 14, 2020, more than 100 people gathered by Zoom to listen as an expert panel discussed PFAS in drinking water and answered questions from residents. This post provides a summary of the speakers’ comments, links to their slides, a link to the video of the event, and answers to audience questions that remained… Continue reading →

PFAS Panel Discussion Oct. 14

Green Acton and the League of Women Voters–Acton Area are sponsoring an educational panel discussion on PFAS in drinking water. Panelist presentations and discussion will touch on: What are PFAS chemicals? Where do they come from? Why are they a matter for concern? What is the situation here in Acton? What is being done about… Continue reading →