The following statement was approved by the Green Acton Board of Directors, and sent to the Acton Planning Board on Nov. 15 for a Nov. 17 hearing on the project.
SJC to Hear Oral Arguments on Nagog Pond Water Rights on Dec. 2
On December 2, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) will hear oral arguments in the lawsuit over which towns (among Concord, Littleton, and Acton) have rights to withdraw water from Nagog Pond. Because of Covid-19 restrictions, oral arguments are being held virtually, so the public can watch the live stream.
PFAS Panel Discussion Summary
On October 14, 2020, more than 100 people gathered by Zoom to listen as an expert panel discussed PFAS in drinking water and answered questions from residents. This post provides a summary of the speakers’ comments, links to their slides, a link to the video of the event, and answers to audience questions that remained… Continue reading →
Green Acton PFAS posts
This page provides links to Green Acton’s web posts dealing with PFAS.
Recording of 2020-Oct-14 PFAS Forum
PFAS: News You Can Use
A previous Green Acton post described a family of emerging contaminants, called PFAS, which have recently been found in the drinking water supplies of Acton and many other towns. This post will help residents think about actions that they might want to take, whether that be learning more, installing a water filter in their homes,… Continue reading →
PFAS Panel Discussion Oct. 14
Green Acton and the League of Women Voters–Acton Area are sponsoring an educational panel discussion on PFAS in drinking water. Panelist presentations and discussion will touch on: What are PFAS chemicals? Where do they come from? Why are they a matter for concern? What is the situation here in Acton? What is being done about… Continue reading →
Declaration of a Climate Emergency
Green Acton is a member of the Acton Climate Coalition; the organizations worked closely together in advocating for passage of the “Declaring a Climate Emergency: A Better Future Starting Now” resolution. It passed, with overwhelming support, at the 2020 Fall Special Town Meeting!
Purchase of Piper Lane Parcels for Conservation
The Green Acton Land Use Committee, along with other community groups in town, successfully advocated before and at the 2020 Special Town Meeting for passage of a Warrant Article that will result in purchase of the Piper Lane parcels for preservation as conservation land.
Green Acton Statement in Support of Town Purchase of Piper Lane Parcels
August 21, 2020Green Acton supports the Town’s proposed purchase of the Piper Lane parcels,* slated by the Acton Board of Selectmen for consideration at the upcoming Special Town Meeting on September 8, 2020. [Article 1 on the Warrant]