SAVE THAT DATE! On April 29 at 7:30pm, Green Acton and the Town of Acton will host a short, live (Zoom) presentation on our municipal electricity supply program, Acton Power Choice — with a particular focus on the 100% renewable option, APC GREEN. Wondering what GREEN is, how it works, and how significantly it reduces… Continue reading →
2019 Special Town Meeting Article 2
Article 2: Green Acton Statement on the Proposed North Acton Fire Station Design & Construction The Special Town Meeting of December 10 will ask voters about building a new North Acton Fire Station.
2019 Special Town Meeting Article 1
Article 1: Green Acton Statement on the Proposed New ABRSD Twin School Design & Construction The Special Town Meeting of December 10 will ask voters about building a new Twin School in West Acton.
How to Read Your Eversource Bill
Green Acton prepared this flyer to help Acton residents figure out whether or not they are enrolled in Acton Power Choice, and in what program option (GREEN, Standard, or Basic). If you click on the image, you can see the full-size PDF version and download or print it.
2019 Warrant Article #35: Non-Binding Resolution: Land Clearing Limits
Town response to Green Acton’s Kelley’s Corner statement
On May 18, 2018, Green Acton agreed on a statement on the Kelley’s Corner Infrastructure Project, and sent that statement in an email to the Kelley’s Corner Steering Committee. View that statement here. Here is the text of the response we received from the Town, reformatted for the website. See the original of that response here.
Mass Energy Green Drive Promotion
In effect through end of February 2017, there are deep discounts on electric and plug-in hybrid (EV and gas) vehicles. In addition to dealership discounts, there are potential $7500 federal tax credits and $2500 MA state rebates. Although the MOR-EV State Rebate website shows the funds being almost exhausted, the state just announced they’re putting… Continue reading →
Black Gold Miners – 2011 Junior High School Siemens Team
The Black Gold Miners came to Green Acton in 2011.
Acton’s Green Communities projects
After being certified as a Green Community in 2010, the town of Acton applied for and received funding from the state each year after that. Here’s a partial list of projects:
The Green Communities Act
In 2008, Massachusetts enacted the Green Communities Act that boosts energy efficiency and encourages investment in renewable energy.