At the December 11, 2018, Green Acton meeting, this statement on the new school building location was agreed to:
Town response to Green Acton’s Kelley’s Corner statement
On May 18, 2018, Green Acton agreed on a statement on the Kelley’s Corner Infrastructure Project, and sent that statement in an email to the Kelley’s Corner Steering Committee. View that statement here. Here is the text of the response we received from the Town, reformatted for the website. See the original of that response here.
Warrant Article: Town of Acton Plastic Bag Reduction
Sponsored by: Petitioners To determine whether the Town will vote to amend the Town Bylaws by adding a Bylaw for the elimination of thin-film single-use plastic checkout bags as follows, or take any other action relative thereto.
Perspectives: 1,4-Dioxane in Acton Water
By Lucy Kirshner A year ago, I passed a neighbor on the street who shared her anxiety. “There is poison in our water!” she began. “It’s 1,4-Dioxane and the town knows, but all they’re doing is diluting it, not removing it.”
Introducing Green Acton “Perspectives”
The Green Acton website is introducing a new feature called “Perspectives.” Until now, Green Acton’s web material has been informational, and presented in a third-person, organizational voice. Perspectives pieces, in contrast, will allow for expression of personal reflection, experience, and opinion.
Green Acton Monthly Meetings
All are welcome to our monthly meetings, listed below. Agendas are here in our Green Acton Announcements Google Group.
May 2018 Green Acton Statement on Kelley’s Corner Infrastructure Project
Public Statement about Kelley’s Corner Infrastructure Project Approved by Green Acton Directors 2018-05-18 Sent to Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Kelley’s Corner Steering Committee
Meeting Guidelines
Green Acton Meeting Ground Rules Approved at February 2018 Meeting Consensus requires bringing all of our best thinking to bear on identifying how the group will proceed on any given question or issue. Each group has its own way of accomplishing this.
Sign Up to Table for Acton Power Choice Green
Here’s who has signed up so far. Below that is where you can sign up.
Green Acton position on Article 28
Green Acton agreed, at its March 2018 meeting, to support Article 28 on the Spring Town Meeting Warrant.