Mission: The Green Acton Plastics Subcommittee works under the auspices of the Materials Committee to reduce the use of unnecessary and (especially) single-use plastics in the Town of Acton. The subcommittee researches plastics issues, educates the public about them, and advocates for reductions in plastics use, sometimes including work to change Town bylaws, policies, and/or… Continue reading →
Water Committee
Mission: Green Acton’s Water Committee works to protect and improve Acton’s ground, surface, and drinking water through information gathering, public education, advocacy, and collaboration with other concerned groups.
The group that became Green Acton was first convened by Ann Sussman in 2008 following a request from Lauren Rosenzweig (then chair of the Acton Board of Selectmen) to gather a team to advise the Selectmen on environmental priorities. Attendees at those first few meetings included Town staff, Selectmen, and activists from the Environment Team of the… Continue reading →
Green Acton works to protect and enhance Acton’s natural environment and resources for present and future generations, and to help resolve the urgent environmental issues that transcend Acton’s boundaries. Through bold solutions, Green Acton strives to: combat climate disruption advance the rapid transition to a renewable energy future protect land and water resources reduce materials… Continue reading →
Introducing Green Acton “Perspectives”
The Green Acton website is introducing a new feature called “Perspectives.” Until now, Green Acton’s web material has been informational, and presented in a third-person, organizational voice. Perspectives pieces, in contrast, will allow for expression of personal reflection, experience, and opinion.
Green Acton position on AWD purchase of Conant Land
Green Acton, by consensus of its Directors, has adopted the following position: Green Acton urges Acton citizens to vote “yes” on Article 1 at the Acton Water District Special Meeting (October 10, 7:30pm, Public Safety Building).
Green Acton Monthly Meetings
All are welcome to our monthly meetings, listed below. Agendas are here in our Green Acton Announcements Google Group.
Meeting Guidelines
Green Acton Meeting Ground Rules Approved at February 2018 Meeting Consensus requires bringing all of our best thinking to bear on identifying how the group will proceed on any given question or issue. Each group has its own way of accomplishing this.
2018 Acton Gas Leaks Forum
On March 22, 2018, Green Acton co-sponsored the Acton Gas Leaks Forum which brought together 55 citizens, students, legislators, scientists, and activists to understand the state of gas leaks in Acton and in Massachusetts. Mothers Out Front Acton used this opportunity to educate citizens, explain how their mission intersected with Green Acton’s Acton Power Choice… Continue reading →
Marys Brook Honors Mary Michaelman
Please see attached letter from the U.S. Board on Geographic Names accepting our proposal to make official the name, Marys Brook (apostrophes are not allowed) for the perennial stream that flows from Main Street in Acton, through the Acton Arboretum, joining with Coles Brook near Taylor Road and Route 2 (map attached). The brook is… Continue reading →