Green Acton hosted a team of teens competing in the Siemens Challenge — the Black-Gold Miners — who presented their project on composting. The Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge is the premier national environmental sustainability competition for K–12 students. Through project-based learning, students learn about science and conservation while creating solutions that impact… Continue reading →
Green Acton Accomplishments, 2009–2010
Hosted the Green Acton Water Forum Sponsored the 1st annual Drop/Swap Event Sponsored Acton’s 2010 Clean-Up Day for the first time Supported education and advocacy for the Stretch Energy Code, which successfully passed at Town Meeting Supported education and advocacy about Supported the Open Neighborhood Project, a Revisioning of Kelley’s Corner Joined the Mass… Continue reading →
Charlotte Sagoff’s Legacy
Why Charlotte’s Garden?
Acton Green Energy Fair
Green Acton and Acton-Boxborough PIP were proud to host the first Acton Green Energy Fair on Sunday, May 17, 2009, 1:30–5:00pm at RJ Grey Junior High, 11 Charter Road, Acton, MA.
Green Acton Accomplishments, 2008–2009
Hosted Earth Hour in Acton and Boxborough Hosted the Acton Green Energy Fair Facilitated the launch of the joint town and school Green Advisory Board Supported the launch of the Acton-Boxborough Farmers Market Created the Green Acton website
Tribute to Charlotte Sagoff – A Reading Life
Tribute to Charlotte Sagoff from Anju Patel
Tribute to Charlotte Sagoff – Environmental Issues
Tribute from Mary Michelman: