This page describes historical and ongoing programs to monitor the stream level and water temperature of Nagog Brook, and provides links to data and observations.
A Better Way to Power: April 29 Primer on Acton Power Choice (GREEN)
SAVE THAT DATE! On April 29 at 7:30pm, Green Acton and the Town of Acton will host a short, live (Zoom) presentation on our municipal electricity supply program, Acton Power Choice — with a particular focus on the 100% renewable option, APC GREEN. Wondering what GREEN is, how it works, and how significantly it reduces… Continue reading →
Statement by Green Acton: Deny the Proposed 67 Powdermill Road Special Permit
The following statement, approved by the Green Acton Board of Directors, was shared with the Acton Board of Selectmen (now Acton Select Board) and multiple other Town entities between March 28 and April 1, 2021:
Q&A with 2021 Candidate for Acton Water District Commissioner
Erika Amir-Lin is running for the position of Commissioner of the Acton Water District (AWD) in the 2021 Acton Town election. This post contains Ms. Amir-Lin’s answers to questions prepared by the Green Acton Water Committee to inform the voters about some current issues and opportunities facing the District, and the candidate’s thoughts on how… Continue reading →
Acton’s River Street Dam, Today and Centuries Ago
Dams across the brooks and rivers of the SuAsCo (Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord rivers) watershed provided hydropower for early industrialization. But today, some of those dams pose flood risks, and are being re-evaluated and removed. This post describes the situation at the River Street Dam in Acton.
Re-watch: “Plastic: Recycle, Reuse, Refuse”
On February 25, 2021 more than 100 people participated in the forum “Plastic: Recycle, Reuse, Refuse,” co-sponsored by Green Acton and the League of Women Voters–Acton Area. You can watch the forum via this link:
Plastic: Recycle, Reuse, Refuse
Feb 25, 2021, 7–8:15 pm
A Heads-Up: Prep Your Questions and Comments for WR Grace Status and Reuse Meeting
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has scheduled a community/stakeholder information session, about the status and future of the WR Grace (WRG) Superfund site, for February 3 at 7pm. This post provides some background and links to further information to help area residents formulate their questions and comments about the status of the clean-up, what zoning… Continue reading →
Meeting about Reuse of the W.R. Grace Site set for February 3
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has scheduled an informational meeting to update the community about the status of the WR Grace Superfund site and discuss possible future reuses of the Acton portion of the site.
Green Acton Position on Protecting Public Shade Trees
Approved by the Green Acton Board of Directors This memo has been written to advocate for changes to provide more protection for Public Shade Trees in Acton.