In Spring 2024, Green Acton supported a Warrant Article at Town Meeting that would have phased out the use of most gas-powered leaf blowers (GLBs). Town Meeting members ultimately voted to send the article to the Acton Select Board for further review and potential revision, and likely, a reappearance at a future Town Meeting. Meanwhile,… Continue reading →
Green Acton Supports the Gas Leaf Blower Phase-out Bylaw
On March 17, 2024, the Green Acton Board of Directors agreed to endorse the Town Meeting Warrant Article on gas leaf blower phase-out, and approved this statement to be read at Town Meeting (which begins on Monday, May 6): The Board of Directors of Green Acton, Acton’s nonprofit environmental advocacy group, endorses this warrant article,… Continue reading →
Citizen’s Petition for Gas-powered Leaf Blower Phase-Out
Below is the text of a 2024 Citizen’s Petition; this article will be on the May 2024 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. (Town Meeting begins on Monday, May 6.) At the end is a visual summary provided by Paul Kampas, the originator of the petition. See Green Acton’s endorsement statement. Amend General Bylaws — Gas-powered Leaf… Continue reading →
Acton Power Choice: New, Lower Prices in Effect!
The new Acton Power Choice (APC) contract is now in effect, bringing with it prices that are lower — for all three options — than those in the last contract period. APC participants will realize these new, lower prices automatically, and see them reflected in February Eversource bills. These new rates went into effect in… Continue reading →
Coming Soon: New, Lower Electricity Rates from Acton Power Choice!
Beginning in late December, the new Acton Power Choice (APC) contract will go into effect, bringing with it lower prices for all APC participants (compared to current prices, which end in late December). The new, three-year contract prices will be reflected in January bills from Eversource. APC participants need do nothing to take advantage of… Continue reading →
Free Training to Become an Acton Energy Advocate!, part of the Acton Climate Coalition, is working with the Town of Acton and Abode Energy Management on a new “Energy Advocate” program, which will train volunteers to help people with electrification of their homes/buildings, as well as with other energy efficiency and renewable energy measures (e.g., heat pump technology, solar power, electric vehicle… Continue reading →
Acton Water District Solar Project Off and Running
On June 22, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on the site of the new and very large solar array and battery storage project sited on Acton Water District land on Lawsbrook Road in Acton. Now operational, the 4.69 MW solar + 4 MWh battery storage facility adds to the renewable energy available to the Acton… Continue reading →
Energize Acton: Mobilize Against Climate Change!
Green Acton has been working with the Town of Acton and the Acton Climate Coalition to create a way for everyone in Acton to participate in reducing their carbon footprint — a key part of the Acton mobilization to address our Climate Emergency. Please join that effort by visiting, where you can sign up,… Continue reading →
Green Acton Position Statements on Town Meeting 2021 Warrant Articles 13, 14, 15, and 16
At its June 8 monthly meeting, Green Acton approved the following position statements on several Warrant Articles for the June 21 annual Town Meeting. Article 13 and Article 14 (Amend General Bylaws – Regulation of Fossil Fuels Infrastructure, and Home Rule Petition – Building with Clean Energy to Regulate Fossil Fuel Infrastructure, respectively)Green Acton supports… Continue reading →
Acton Power Choice GREEN Video Primer

Acton Power Choice GREEN is the quickest and easiest way for Acton households to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions significantly (and support the regional renewables sector)! The program, launched in 2017, provides 100% renewably sourced electricity, from Northeast generation projects, at stable and competitive rates. Check out this short presentation, brought to you by Green… Continue reading →