Beginning in late December, the new Acton Power Choice (APC) contract will go into effect, bringing with it lower prices for all APC participants (compared to current prices, which end in late December). The new, three-year contract prices will be reflected in January bills from Eversource. APC participants need do nothing to take advantage of the lower prices; the switch of supplier and the new pricing happen automatically.

The rates, below, for the new three-year contract are locked in for the length of the contract. Historically, APC prices have been quite favorable compared with those in the general energy marketplace. New prices for each APC option in the new contract period (late Dec. 2023–late Dec. 2026):

What Is Acton Power Choice?

Acton Power Choice (APC) is the Town-vetted and -administered, bulk purchasing program for electricity supply — and one of the Town’s multiple strategies deployed to decrease greenhouse gas emissions associated with Acton’s energy use. The APC program began in 2017 after approval by Town Meeting; the coming contract marks the program’s sixth year. APC creates options for electricity sourcing, allowing people to choose how much renewable energy they want in their electricity supply.

Some details on those three options (above):

GREEN — this offers 100% renewably generated electricity from regional sources
Standard — this is the “auto-enrollment”/default offering into which customers are subscribed initially; in the coming contract period, Standard provides 45% more renewables than the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) amount required by Massachusetts law
Basic — this matches the RPS required of every electricity supplier, including Eversource. That requirement rises to 24% in 2024 (and will rise to 27% in 2025).

APC is a quick and easy first step in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions impacts of your home and life. Stay tuned for more details in early 2024, and check out the APC website:

Coming Soon: New, Lower Electricity Rates from Acton Power Choice!

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