Logo: "Energize Acton for a better future starting now"

Green Acton has been working with the Town of Acton and the Acton Climate Coalition to create a way for everyone in Acton to participate in reducing their carbon footprint — a key part of the Acton mobilization to address our Climate Emergency. 

Please join that effort by visiting EnergizeActon.org, where you can sign up, identify the climate actions you have already taken, and learn about other impactful actions you can take. You can also create your own team or join existing teams for mutual support (or friendly competition)!

Here’s how:

Learn about the EnergizeActon.org website: https://community.massenergize.org/ActonMA/aboutus

Sign up: https://community.massenergize.org/ActonMA/signup. You just need to type in your email address, invent a password, and click on the “Create Profile” button. 

Look through the Actions: https://community.massenergize.org/ActonMA/actions. Click Done on the actions your household has already completed, click To Do on those you would like to take on, and click Info to learn more. 

Find and join a Team, or create one: https://community.massenergize.org/ActonMA/teams. Robust teams communicate on- and offline to encourage others to join and sign up for actions. Consider what Acton-based groups you are a part of, and encourage members to get involved with Energize Acton. (And yes, you can definitely join more than one team!) 

Thanks for helping to launch this site. It’s very inspiring to watch the collective actions of individuals and teams add up to measurable carbon savings! We have a goal of getting 240 folks signed up by the end of the year, so please do so as soon as you can, and encourage your friends, neighbors, and networks to join, as well!

Questions, ideas, comments? Reach out to us at https://community.massenergize.org/ActonMA/contactus

Energize Acton: Mobilize Against Climate Change!

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