Thanks to these Businesses and Community Organizations for their assistance to the Charlotte Sagoff Memorial Garden!
Charlotte’s Garden Site Description and Vision
The Charlotte Sagoff Memorial Garden will include a bench immediately outside the Acton Memorial Library main entrance, where library patrons and playground users can sit while awaiting a ride.
Solarize Acton
Solarize Acton was a joint project of the Town of Acton, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, the Department of Energy Resources, and several Acton community partners to bring you high-quality, low-cost, solar energy installations. Here is an archive of the contents of the web pages.
Carbon Footprint – the Acton 2020 approach
The Acton 2020 plan, published in 2011, has a section on carbon footprint.
Ace reDeucers: AB 2012 Siemens Team
A team of four RJ Grey Junior High students, called the Ace reDeucers, attended the February 2012 Green Acton meeting and educated us on how and why to reuse and recycle tennis balls. Visit the Ace reDeucers website for more.
Green Acton Accomplishments, 2009–2010
Hosted the Green Acton Water Forum Sponsored the 1st annual Drop/Swap Event Sponsored Acton’s 2010 Clean-Up Day for the first time Supported education and advocacy for the Stretch Energy Code, which successfully passed at Town Meeting Supported education and advocacy about Supported the Open Neighborhood Project, a Revisioning of Kelley’s Corner Joined the Mass… Continue reading →
Charlotte Sagoff’s Legacy
Why Charlotte’s Garden?
Acton Green Energy Fair
Green Acton and Acton-Boxborough PIP were proud to host the first Acton Green Energy Fair on Sunday, May 17, 2009, 1:30–5:00pm at RJ Grey Junior High, 11 Charter Road, Acton, MA.
Acton Beacon 2009 Article on Green Energy Fair
Acton Green Energy Fair focuses on improving environment Despite the gray afternoon, things took on a distinctively greenish hue at R.J. Grey Junior High School where dozens of residents gathered on May 17 to learn about the latest in renewable energy. From a Volkswagen that runs on grease left over from frying thousands of… Continue reading →
Green Acton Accomplishments, 2008–2009
Hosted Earth Hour in Acton and Boxborough Hosted the Acton Green Energy Fair Facilitated the launch of the joint town and school Green Advisory Board Supported the launch of the Acton-Boxborough Farmers Market Created the Green Acton website