The Planet Chillers presented their project to Green Acton in the Spring of 2014, educating us about the impact of food choices on climate change.
Black Gold Miners – 2011 Junior High School Siemens Team
The Black Gold Miners came to Green Acton in 2011.
WR Grace Superfund Site in Acton, Public Meeting, June 12, 2003 (Meeting Summary by ACES)
*For Updates/Public Meeting Notifications join the EPA site mailing list, Contact: Sarah White, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator (617-918-1026,* It has been almost 25 years since contamination from the WR Grace Industrial Site was found in two Acton public drinking water wells, and 20 years since this site was included on the federal “National Priority… Continue reading →
The WR Grace Superfund Site, Acton, MA – A Chronology of the Site (1951-2010)
(Information sources include: Timeline Poster by GeoTrans, Inc.; Initial Site Characterization Report, OU-3, August 1998; Draft Phase II Remedial Investigation Report, August 2002; EPA Third Five Year Review Report, September 2009; and other WR Grace Site documents.) 1951 – First battery separator plant at site, built by Dewey & Almy Chemical Company. 1954 – WR… Continue reading →
Brief History/Current Status of WR Grace Superfund Site (December 2010), Acton, MA
ACES, (Acton Citizens for Environmental Safety), has been a strong and persistent advocate for the most thorough investigation and protective cleanup of the WR Grace Site possible, ever since contamination was discovered in the late 1970’s.
Acton’s Green Communities projects
After being certified as a Green Community in 2010, the town of Acton applied for and received funding from the state each year after that. Here’s a partial list of projects:
The Green Communities Act
In 2008, Massachusetts enacted the Green Communities Act that boosts energy efficiency and encourages investment in renewable energy.
Massachusetts Climate Action Network
Green Acton is the local chapter of the Mass Climate Action Network.,
Acton Cleanup Day Update
Acton Clean-Up Day started in South Acton long ago. It was originally organized by Betsy Eldridge, whose son, State Senator Jamie Eldridge, helped expand the event to the entire town.