Background Information for Maps and Tables (Read First)

Many of the maps and tables on this website are from the Draft Remedial Investigation Report, OU-3, WR Grace Superfund Site, Acton, MA, by GeoTrans, Inc. August 30, 2002. The Remedial Investigation Report (“RI”) was produced by WR Grace’s consultant, GeoTrans, in order to comply with federal requirements as part of the EPA “Superfund” process.… Continue reading →

ACES Questions to ATSDR About Public Health

COMMENTS/QUESTIONS for the upcoming 2003/2004 ATSDR Public Health Assessment Introduction: ACES has two main lines of concern about past and present contamination from the WR Grace Superfund Site, one related to following up on previously identified health risk concerns, and the other to addressing newly identified potential health risks. Our concerns are detailed in Sections… Continue reading →

Public Health Risk Assessment, EPA Superfund Cleanup

(See PHRA excerpts below) As part of the USEPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) agency Superfund Site process, WR Grace was required to conduct a Public Health Risk Assessment (PHRA) for the site. This quantitative risk assessment, conducted under EPA guidance, was undertaken to help determine the future level of cleanup required at the site. It… Continue reading →

WR Grace Superfund Site in Acton, Public Meeting, June 12, 2003 (Meeting Summary by ACES)

*For Updates/Public Meeting Notifications join the EPA site mailing list, Contact: Sarah White, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator (617-918-1026,* It has been almost 25 years since contamination from the WR Grace Industrial Site was found in two Acton public drinking water wells, and 20 years since this site was included on the federal “National Priority… Continue reading →

The WR Grace Superfund Site, Acton, MA – A Chronology of the Site (1951-2010)

(Information sources include: Timeline Poster by GeoTrans, Inc.; Initial Site Characterization Report, OU-3, August 1998; Draft Phase II Remedial Investigation Report, August 2002; EPA Third Five Year Review Report, September 2009; and other WR Grace Site documents.) 1951 – First battery separator plant at site, built by Dewey & Almy Chemical Company. 1954 – WR… Continue reading →