A previous Green Acton post described a family of emerging contaminants, called PFAS, which have recently been found in the drinking water supplies of Acton and many other towns. This post will help residents think about actions that they might want to take, whether that be learning more, installing a water filter in their homes,… Continue reading →
PFAS Panel Discussion Oct. 14
Green Acton and the League of Women Voters–Acton Area are sponsoring an educational panel discussion on PFAS in drinking water. Panelist presentations and discussion will touch on: What are PFAS chemicals? Where do they come from? Why are they a matter for concern? What is the situation here in Acton? What is being done about… Continue reading →
PFAS 101
Residents of Acton were given a rude jolt recently when a notice from the Acton Water District (AWD) appeared in their mailboxes, describing a new contaminant, detected in Acton’s groundwater, with the cryptic name of “PFAS.” This post provides some basic education about PFAS, with links to sources of much more information. As is typically… Continue reading →
Missed the OARS Report Card/SuAsCo Watershed Talk?
Never fear: the slides are here! On Wednesday, January 22, a capacity crowd filled the multi-purpose room at Acton’s Senior Center to hear Alison Field-Juma, the Executive Director of OARS, describe the first-ever “report card” on the health of the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord river system.
Encouraging Response from EPA Region 1 on WR Grace Superfund Site
On October 22, 2019 Green Acton Director Kim Kastens visited the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, DC with a delegation from the Center for Health, Environment & Justice. At this meeting, Green Acton’s request was that the Record of Decision (ROD) for the WR Grace Superfund site be reopened and 1,4-dioxane be… Continue reading →
Perspectives: Making the Case for 1,4-Dioxane Remediation at EPA Headquarters in D.C
By Kim Kastens This story begins on a sleepy Sunday afternoon in September 2019. I sort of wanted to go out to hear a talk, but I also sort of wanted to stay home and relax. But I had announced the talk by email in my role as Green Acton Water Committee Chair, and Green… Continue reading →
OARS Report Card on Our Local Rivers
by Kim Kastens, Lucy Kirshner & Norm Strahle OARS (the Organization for the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Rivers) recently issued the first-ever report card on the status of those rivers, covering water quality, streamflow, scenery, habitat, and recreation. Come learn about the methods and findings from OARS Executive Director Alison Field-Juma on Wednesday, January 22,… Continue reading →
Green Acton Statement to EPA about 1,4-Dioxane at WR Grace
On October 22, 2019, Kim Kastens, a Green Acton Director and Chair of the Water Committee, traveled to the Headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC to make a request about remediation of 1,4-dioxane at the WR Grace Superfund site. The trip was in association with the Center for Health, Environment and Justice,… Continue reading →
Summary of Fifth WR Grace Five-Year Review
Overview: The Environmental Protection Agency has released a new Five-Year Review (FYR) Report on the WR Grace (WRG) Superfund site, a former industrial site that straddles the town line between Acton and Concord. The purpose of a five-year review is to evaluate how well a clean up plan (“remedy”) is working to be protective of… Continue reading →
Green Acton Public Statement re: Proposed Piper Lane Building Project, 7/9/2019
[Sent on 7/15/19 to the Board of Selectmen and the Zoning Board of Appeals, from Debra Simes (President) and Jim Snyder-Grant (Co-President), along with a request that this be taken into account in any future deliberations on this project.] This statement asserts Green Acton’s opposition to the proposed application currently under review for the Piper… Continue reading →