How Level 3 Critical Drought Manifests in Acton

On July 21, 2022, the Massachusetts Drought Management Task Force declared that the Northeast Region of Massachusetts, including Acton, had moved into Level 3 Critical Drought status. The Drought Management Task Force (DMTF) uses six different types of information in deciding when to declare a drought. This post takes a look at how these six… Continue reading →

Greener Ways to Avoid Acton’s Mosquitoes

by Chris Edwards, Chair, Green Acton Toxics/Pesticides Subcommittee While you’re enjoying the outdoors in Acton, it’s important to protect yourself and your loved ones from being bitten by mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and other insects, since these critters can carry harmful viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Unfortunately, some of the most effective repellents have environmental and toxic… Continue reading →

Free Training to Become an Acton Energy Advocate!, part of the Acton Climate Coalition, is working with the Town of Acton and Abode Energy Management on a new “Energy Advocate” program, which will train volunteers to help people with electrification of their homes/buildings, as well as with other energy efficiency and renewable energy measures (e.g., heat pump technology, solar power, electric vehicle… Continue reading →

FAQ: Understanding Acton’s Polystyrene Ban

At the May 2022 Annual Town Meeting, Acton voters joined more than 50 other communities in the Commonwealth in approving a new bylaw related to polystyrene (aka Styrofoam™). The goals of the bylaw are protecting residents’ health and reducing a significant source of plastic pollution. The Polystyrene and Disposable Plastic Reduction Bylaw will allow Acton… Continue reading →

Missed the “Acton’s Water Cycle” Forum? Catch Up Here (inc. event video)

by Norm Strahle and Kim Kastens The June 8, 2022 forum, hosted by the Green Acton Water Committee, covered the topic of “Acton’s Water Cycle,” beginning with where Acton’s drinking water comes from and culminating with what happens when it goes down the drain. The format included poll questions for the forum attendees and a… Continue reading →

June 8: Interactive Discussion of Acton’s Water Cycle

The Green Acton Water Committee invites you to the fourth in our series of educational forums about water issues of concern to Acton, to be held on June 8, 7–8:30pm, by Zoom. This year’s forum will take the generalized concept of “the water cycle” and apply it to the specific situation of Acton. Register for the… Continue reading →

Green Acton Supports These 2022 Town Meeting Articles

Acton’s annual Town Meeting takes place on Monday, May 16 and Tuesday, May 17 in the Acton-Boxborough Regional High School auditorium. More information, including comprehensive information on the meeting’s Warrant Articles, is available in the Warrant Booklet The Green Acton Board of Directors has reviewed the Warrant Articles, and has endorsed the following articles: 41,… Continue reading →

Town Meeting Warrant Article #49: Authorizing the Town of Acton to Establish a Minimum Charge for a Checkout Bag

Please attend Acton’s Annual Town Meeting on May 17 and VOTE YES to establish a charge for checkout bags. On May 17, voters at (the second night of) Acton’s Annual Town Meeting — starting at 7pm at ABRHS — will consider two potential new bylaws intended to diminish some of the consequences of living in… Continue reading →

Acton Town Meeting Article #48: Polystyrene and Disposable Plastic Reduction Bylaw

Please attend Acton’s Annual Town Meeting and vote May 17 to reduce polystyrene and plastic utensils. On May 17, voters at (the second night of) Acton’s Annual Town Meeting will consider two potential new bylaws intended to diminish some of the consequences of living in a “use-and-toss” era. Here you can learn more about one… Continue reading →