2018 Acton Gas Leaks Forum

On March 22, 2018, Green Acton co-sponsored the Acton Gas Leaks Forum which brought together 55 citizens, students, legislators, scientists, and activists to understand the state of gas leaks in Acton and in Massachusetts. Mothers Out Front Acton used this opportunity to educate citizens, explain how their mission intersected with Green Acton’s Acton Power Choice… Continue reading →

Natural Gas Infrastructure

Green Acton interacts with issues around natural gas (NG) infrastructure, both existing and potential, in at least two areas: (1) the multitude of leaks in NG infrastructure across the Commonwealth, including Acton, and (2) the building of new NG infrastructure in the state and locally. We advocate that NG leaks need to be repaired/eliminated, and that building new… Continue reading →