By Debra Simes, Jim Snyder-Grant, and a host of commenters from Green Acton (For Board of Selectmen meeting on 2017-7-24) Hello Board of Selectmen and other Acton Sustainability Policy allies:
Sustainability brainstorming
On July 5, 2017, as a first step in developing a proposed sustainability policy, Green Acton hosted a sustainability brainstorming session. Many ideas emerged, placed on a large table with pieces of paper, and transcribed here in this Google document.
Acton’s electrical aggregation program, Acton Power Choice, approved by DPU
After a long delay, the Commonwealth’s Department of Public Utilities approved Acton’s Community Choice (electricity) Aggregation plan, Acton Power Choice! The old description still applies: (except for the launch date). As a summary, the Acton Power Choice program will bring to most electricity customers in Acton a new set of choices for their electricity… Continue reading →
Water Articles at the Acton 2017 Town Meeting
At the 2017 Town Meeting, a citizen’s petition put three water-related articles on the Town Meeting Warrant: Article 26: Water Resources Study Article 27: Water Resource Sharing Article 28: Affirming Acton’s Right
The Swap Shop at the Transfer Station
In 2015, the Swap Shop was launched at the Transfer Station in a small new building just downhill from the main recycling area (near the Red Cross bins). Anyone with a recycling or trash sticker can use the Swap Shop: gently used items in good condition can be donated at the shop, and items can be… Continue reading →
HEET/MAPC Gas Leaks Study
The Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET) worked with the Metropolitan Area Planning Committee (MAPC) to survey 15 miles of roads in each of 15 towns, including Acton, and worked on preparing a “best practices” report on getting these leaks fixed. The report is here at this link to The survey work was completed… Continue reading →
Chapter 201 Acts of 1884: Nagog Pond
Nagog Pond is one of the Commonwealth’s “Great Ponds” (greater than 20 acres), thus it is controlled by the State, not by any particular Town. In 1884 the State legislature laid out the rights of Acton, Concord, and Littleton to the withdrawal of water from Nagog Pond.
Green Acton Inc. – Officers and Board of Directors
Green Acton and ACES merged to become Green Acton Inc. Per our general bylaws, the organization is led by our Board of Directors, as listed below.
Green Acton Articles of Incorporation
The Articles of Incorporation are filed with the Secretary of State’s office. The two most important ones are also here: Article II (the purposes of the corporation) and Article IV (additional provisions)
Statement on 2015-11-16 to Acton Board of Selectmen from Debra Simes about new gas pipelines in Acton
The natural gas industry has worked hard over the last few years at its greenwashing campaign, which aims to convince the public that natural gas is a “bridge fuel” and that we have a natural gas “crisis.”