Green Acton has been working with the Town of Acton and the Acton Climate Coalition to create a way for everyone in Acton to participate in reducing their carbon footprint — a key part of the Acton mobilization to address our Climate Emergency. Please join that effort by visiting, where you can sign up,… Continue reading →
GA Minutes: 2021-10-12
Green Acton monthly meeting (and 2021 Annual Meeting) 2021-10-12 Attending: Debra Simes, Kim Kastens, Sue Jick, Mike Boss, Danny Factor, Chris Edwards, Ginger Harris, Dana Snyder-Grant, Jim Snyder-Grant, Matt Liebman, Debby Andell, Karen Watkins, Karen Herther, TF AGENDA • Welcome + housekeeping tasks • Check-in • PFAS in water was brought up in the Next Door… Continue reading →
GA Minutes: 2021-11-09
2021-11-09 Green Acton Meeting Attending: Sue Jick, Rob Gogan, Chris Edwards, Debra Simes, Jim Snyder-Grant, Danny Factor, Jane Moosbruker, Kim Kastens, TF, Norm Strahle AGENDA Welcome + housekeeping tasksChris Edwards note-taker, Sue Jick facilitator, Debra Simes timekeeper Check-inCheckin topic: reactions to COP26 Committee reviews on progress on FY2021 goals: (Energy, Water, Land Use, Materials: Plastics)… Continue reading →
Minutes: 2021-09-13
Water, Land Use, Energy, and Materials committee reports; new pesticides committee in formation; climate action update; and more
Minutes: 2021 July 13
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 • 6pm • IN REAL LIFE at the Acton Arboretum A bit different from our usual monthly meetings, this meeting was designed to be a tad more relaxed, with no big decisions to make, and IN REAL LIFE! (And remember, as is the Green Acton tradition, there will be no August… Continue reading →
Minutes: 2021 June 8
2021-06-08 Green Acton meeting Participants: Jim Snyder-Grant, Debra Simes, Kim Kastens, Danny Factor, Debby Andell, Jiun Park, Mike Boss, Sue Jick, TF, Katie Raymond, Franny Osman, Carolyn Platt, Chris Edwards, Karen Watkins
Minutes: 11 May 2021
Attending: Sue Jick (facilitator), Kim Kastens (notetaking), Debra Simes, Danny Factor, Jim Snyder-Grant, Mike Boss, Debby Andell, Carolyn Platt, Chris Edwards, Rob Gogan, Nyana Tobin, Heather Haines, Matt Leibman, Terra Friedrichs
Training Materials for Acton Boxborough BioBlitz 2021, April 30– May 3
Green Acton is the sponsor of the Acton Boxborough BioBlitz 2021; co-sponsors include Acton Conservation Trust, AB PIP STEM, Acton WildAware, and Boxborough Conservation Trust. We are asking Acton and Boxborough residents to join the project and contribute to the City Nature Challenge: Boston Area. Here is a slide show where you can learn more.… Continue reading →
Green Acton Minutes: 13 April 2021
Attending: Sue Jick (facilitator), Kim Kastens (notetaking), Debra Simes, Danny Factor, Jim Snyder-Grant, Mike Boss, Debby Andell, Carolyn Platt, Chris Edwards, Rob Gogan, Nyana Tobin, Heather Haines, Matt Leibman, Terra Friedrichs
Minutes 9 March 2021
Green Acton monthly meeting 7pm • online Attendees: Debra Simes, Karen Watkins, Sue, Danny Factor, Jane Moosbruker, Mike Boss, Jim Snyder-Grant, Caroline Tripp, Kim Kastens, Carolyn Platt, Matt Liebman, Chris Edwards, Paul Swydan, Kara Lafferty, Melissa LePorto