Green Acton supports Article 16 — on a proposed Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Phase-Out bylaw — on the Warrant for Acton’s 2024 Annual Town Meeting — Town Meeting begins on May 6 (7pm in the auditorium of the Acton-Boxborough Regional High School), BUT voting for Article 16 is scheduled for the second night of Town Meeting… Continue reading →
Green Acton Supports the Gas Leaf Blower Phase-out Bylaw
On March 17, 2024, the Green Acton Board of Directors agreed to endorse the Town Meeting Warrant Article on gas leaf blower phase-out, and approved this statement to be read at Town Meeting (which begins on Monday, May 6): The Board of Directors of Green Acton, Acton’s nonprofit environmental advocacy group, endorses this warrant article,… Continue reading →
Citizen’s Petition for Gas-powered Leaf Blower Phase-Out
Below is the text of a 2024 Citizen’s Petition; this article will be on the May 2024 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. (Town Meeting begins on Monday, May 6.) At the end is a visual summary provided by Paul Kampas, the originator of the petition. See Green Acton’s endorsement statement. Amend General Bylaws — Gas-powered Leaf… Continue reading →
Green Acton 101: Orientation meetings
New members of Green Acton are invited to a one-hour zoom webinar held a few times each year — Green Acton 101. This is an introduction to how, with Green Acton, you can help make your town more environmentally sustainable, how Green Acton operates, what committees do, and what we have accomplished. If you are interested in… Continue reading →
Green Acton Recommendations for Select Board 2023 Annual Goal Setting
At the Green Acton meeting of May 9, 2023, Green Acton directors (and assembled members) agreed to draft and send a statement supporting two goals for the Select Board annual goal-setting process: (1) Understanding PFAS Pathways and Reducing Exposure Risks and (2) Creating Land/Tree Clearing Limits. What follows is the recommendations memo that was sent… Continue reading →
Coming Changes to Acton Power Choice in 2022
In October, most Acton electricity customers will see increases in prices. What follows in this article is information on the source of those changes, information on how to weather the storm of spiking electricity prices, and the good news about renewable energy.
Free Training to Become an Acton Energy Advocate!, part of the Acton Climate Coalition, is working with the Town of Acton and Abode Energy Management on a new “Energy Advocate” program, which will train volunteers to help people with electrification of their homes/buildings, as well as with other energy efficiency and renewable energy measures (e.g., heat pump technology, solar power, electric vehicle… Continue reading →
Volunteer for the Acton Swap Shop
The Town of Acton Swap Shop is looking for volunteers! Have you loved visiting the Swap Shop? Are you a people person? Will you have a few hours this year to volunteer doing something fun?
GA Minutes: 2022-01-11
2022-01-11 Green Acton Minutes Participants: Jim Snyder-Grant, Susan Jick, Debra Simes, Mike Boss, Kim Kastens, Danny Factor, Matt Liebman, Carolyn Platt, Caroline Tripp, Debby Andell, David Kleinschmidt, Norm Strahle, Pam Minichiello, Karen Herther, TF AGENDA • Welcome + housekeeping tasks: Sue Jick, facilitator, Debra SImes, timekeeper, Jim Snyder-Grant, minutes-taker • Check-in: what are you hoping… Continue reading →
GA Minutes: 2021-12-14
2021 December Green Acton Meeting Attendees: Danny Factor, Debra Simes, Mike Boss, Kim Kastens, Norm Strahle, Carolyn Platt, Jim Snyder-Grant, Debby Andell, Sue Jick, TF Welcome + housekeeping tasks • Check-in + Open Mic (i.e., briefly, what’s on your mind?) • Committee progress reports on 2021 goals (Admin/Org, Fundraising, Acton Climate Coalition) 2021 fundraising committee… Continue reading →