The Green Acton Plastics Subcommittee works under the auspices of the Materials Committee to reduce the use of unnecessary and (especially) single-use plastics in the Town of Acton. The subcommittee researches plastics issues, educates the public about them, and advocates for reductions in plastics use, sometimes including work to change Town bylaws, policies, and/or activities.
Get Involved:
The Plastics Subcommittee welcomes new participants concerned with plastics reduction — e.g., of plastic bags, polystyrene, water bottles, and other forms of plastic waste that blight our communities. The committee can be reached at plastics-contact@greenacton.org.
- successfully promoted “ban the bag” efforts to eliminate use of single-use plastic bags in the Town of Acton, as well as a ban on the use of most polystyrene products