Charlotte’s Garden

This section describes Charlotte’s Garden, which was constructed in memory of Charlotte Sagoff, a longtime local environmental activist and a co-founder of Acton Citizens for Environmental Safety (ACES).

Charles Parker on Concord’s Energy Plan, Hosted by Green Acton

Green Acton hosted Charles Parker, lead author of the “Concord Energy Master Plan.” Charles presented Concord’s energy plan, including the wider context that drives the plan (peak oil and climate change). He also related specifics on how the plan would reduce Concord’s energy footprint via actions across all sectors: town, school, residents, businesses, and the… Continue reading →

“The Power of Preservation as a Green Strategy,” Cosponsored by Green Acton

Green Acton co-sponsored “The Power of Preservation as a Green Strategy,” by Boston architect Jean Caroon. Buildings account for nearly 40% of all U.S. energy use and carbon emissions. With one of the country’s leading preservation architects as guide, the lecture explored the power of adaptive reuse to reduce those numbers and move us toward… Continue reading →