On February 25, 2021 more than 100 people participated in the forum “Plastic: Recycle, Reuse, Refuse,” co-sponsored by Green Acton and the League of Women Voters–Acton Area. You can watch the forum via this link:
Minutes: 2021 February 9
GREEN ACTON MEETING Tuesday, February 9, 2021 Attendees: Jim Snyder-Grant, Sue Jick, Jane Moosbruker, Kim Kastens, Debra Simes, Caroline Tripp, Danny Factor, Fran Arsenault, Christopher Edwards, Debby Andell, Carolyn Platt, Mike Gowing, Matt Liebman, Karen Root Watkins, Terra Friedrichs, Gauri Tandon (writes blog), Sahana Purohit, Jon Benson AN INSPIRING TREAT, on the recommendation of GA… Continue reading →
Plastic: Recycle, Reuse, Refuse
Feb 25, 2021, 7–8:15 pm
Minutes: 2021 January 12
2021-01-12 Green Acton meeting Participants: Sue Jick (facilitator), Debra Simes (timekeeping), Kim Kastens (note taking), Danny Factor, Karen Watkins, Matt Liebman, Carolyn Platt, Jim Snyder-Grant, Debby Andell, Norm Strahle, Karen Herther, Terra Friedrichs, Nyanna Tobin
Minutes: 2020 December 8
2020-12-08 Green Acton Minutes Attendees: Danny Factor, Jim Snyder-Grant, Kim Kastens, Mike Boss, Nyanna Tobin, Karen Root Watkins, Matt Liebman, Jane Moosbruker, Caroline Tripp, Carolyn Platt, Terra Friedrichs, Sue Jick, Debra Simes
Recording of 2020-Oct-14 PFAS Forum
Green Acton Statement in Support of Town Purchase of Piper Lane Parcels
August 21, 2020Green Acton supports the Town’s proposed purchase of the Piper Lane parcels,* slated by the Acton Board of Selectmen for consideration at the upcoming Special Town Meeting on September 8, 2020. [Article 1 on the Warrant]
Acton Climate Coalition
Green Acton is part of the Acton Climate Coalition, which is working to get a Climate Emergency Declaration passed at the Fall 2020 Special Town Meeting, tentatively scheduled for September 14.
Yes, there will be no Acton Cleanup Week this Spring
The cleanup week team (Green Acton and the Asian American Civic Engagement Alliance) are sad to announce that Acton Cleanup Week, scheduled for April 25 – May 3, will not be happening as scheduled because of all the risks, uncertainties, and limitations associated with the current COVID-19 crisis. Thanks for your support this year and… Continue reading →
Materials Committee formed
The Green Acton Materials Committee has recently formed to think about how materials are used, reused, disposed of, and recycled in Acton.