Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Jim Snyder-Grant, Sue Jick, Jane Moosbruker, Kim Kastens, Debra Simes, Caroline Tripp, Danny Factor, Fran Arsenault, Christopher Edwards, Debby Andell, Carolyn Platt, Mike Gowing, Matt Liebman, Karen Root Watkins, Terra Friedrichs, Gauri Tandon (writes blog), Sahana Purohit, Jon Benson

AN INSPIRING TREAT, on the recommendation of GA director Carolyn Platt: “Earthrise” by U.S. Youth Poet Laureate (and 2021 Inaugural poet) Amanda Gorman:


• Housekeeping (welcome + tasks)

• Check-in

• Committee reports 

Full versions here: Green Acton February Committee Reports

WR Grace Report: On Feb. 3, 2021 there was an event with EPA doing an update on the WR Grace site. A map was presented with locations that cannot be redeveloped and those that can be used. WRG is building a large solar array in a section (see Planning Board meeting, Feb. 16, in Events, below). We should be aware of possible future reuse, although WR Grace is not planning anything else right now. Community ideas for redevelopment (e.g., bike paths) can be communicated to the WR Grace contact (see Kim). This is a potential role for Green Acton: to suggest appropriate uses for the site. The event really helped to open communication with WR Grace.  

Energy Committee Report: We sorted through overlap with Acton Climate Coalition. Green Acton will focus on Acton Power Choice Green (APC Green).

Land Use Report: Danny spoke about the issues approached by the Land Use Committee, from conservation to development issues. Current focus on housing in order to promote more sustainable and affordable housing. Working on issues with trees. First, about drafting a bylaw that would prevent privately owned trees from being cut willy nilly. Secondly, calling on changes to how the Town values public trees. There is a hearing with the Acton Design Review Board about this issue on Wed, Feb, 17 at 7:30pm. There is also a hearing about 22 Elm St Development (Tues, March 2, 7:35pm).

Plastics: Plastics panel event: Feb 25, 7pm: Plastic: Recycle, Reuse, Refuse (see flyer, below)

Water Committee: Had an educational month looking into new issues, esp. dam deterioration with River Street and Nagog Pond dams. Also, looking at a new State Drought Management Plan to increase drought resilience and what this might mean for Acton. Plus, the committee is looking into new changes to Board of Health regulations to prevent septic discharge into groundwater. Finally, the new bedrock well near the existing Conant wells has some environmental issues related to flow regime in Nashoba Brook and possible solvents in the water.

Materials Committee: Met before pandemic and getting back in gear now. No swap meet or repair cafe is possible this year, although some elements might happen virtually.

Acton Climate Coalition: The Climate Coalition steering committee recently affirmed its support for two major efforts in 2021:

  1. Launching a website to support Acton households in learning about and committing to various actions to reduce their carbon footprint. The site, built on the platform, is now under development, including draft descriptions of actions, and identifying images or icons to go on the site. “Energize Acton” may be the name for this effort. The Town’s Sustainability Director will be the final “publisher” for the site, approving proposed content before it goes live. The Town will pay for the site and help promote its use. Will be looking for help to amplify campaign to residents.
  2. Running a campaign to pass a warrant article that asks the state legislature to allow the Town to have control over fossil fuel connections to new buildings (and significant/gut rehabs). The GAB and the Selectmen have both weighed in positively on tentative plans; next steps include designing a full campaign plan, and meeting with Town staff and committees to review and possibly modify the draft before bringing it back to the Selectmen to get it on the warrant for the June 21 meeting.

• Questions + responses / open mic / comments & queries

Question about legal obligations of WR Grace. Kim stated that this is an official Superfund site with specific, ongoing obligations in perpetuity. WRG has done much work related to water and soil contamination with steady improvement on the site, however their legal obligations will continue. What is happening with the dioxin plume? The EPA has provided Green Acton with data on both dioxin and PFAS. The 1,4-dioxane plumes are in the immediate location of the landfill, but are not a threat at the moment. For the time being this issue is stable; however, the EPA continues to monitor it. What about PFAS in the water supply? The PFAS data is kind of patchy. The Acton Water District does not feel the EPA data was sufficient to draw a conclusion about the wells.

Question about repair cafe. Great idea! We need to fix things instead of throwing them away.

• Bioblitz team presents plan    

Matt presents on the Acton-Boxborough BioBlitz, which will be part of the City Nature Challenge. How many species are in Acton? What is happening with bees?  In order to support biodiversity, we need to collect data. City Nature Challenge is one of the largest “citizen science” efforts. The Acton Conservation Trust and other groups have done some observations in the past and we would like to revisit these sites during the event: in 2021, April 30–May 3. Matt asked for feedback about training for the project. He shared a training slide show and asked people to download the iNaturalist app, open it and find “projects.” Showed search icon, etc. (Also asked if anyone knows who to contact about using AB logo.) Showed observation technique.

What if you do not have a smart phone? If you know what you saw, you can upload info, photos, and audio to the iNaturalist site. The data become important, but our goal is to educate and increase awareness of the need for biodiversity.

Debby mentioned adding more info about how to actually do observations. “iNaturalist for Dummies”

Sahana asks if birdfeeder information can be used. Matt says: yes, Also there is a data field for native or cultivated, and you can note that bird was at the feeder. 

What about observations outside this time frame? We are part of the City Nature Challenge, which is global and the same dates for all sites. April 30–May 3 is not great timing for Acton. But afterwards, we can declare other timeslots and continue forward. 

Bioblitz team is doing a flyer; Debra notes that flyer needs to go by the Communications Committee.

Karen says it’s great to get kids involved, and to go back to the same place.

Kim says that Water Committee got a lot of ABHS students applying for the volunteer stream monitoring position. Should we send the extra volunteers, who we aren’t using, to Matt for Bioblitz. Yes.

Is Bioblitz only within the bounds of Acton/Boxborough limits? Data are being aggregated for the City Nature Challenge in the greater Boston region, which goes out to Rt. 495.

• Event/action announcements           

            > reminder to committees re: goals

            > Feb. 16 Planning Board meeting on WR Grace solar array


            > informal discussion scheduled on “trees v. solar” for Thurs, Feb 11 (see below); contact Jim Snyder-Grant for more information.

Zoning bylaw says should not remove more than 1 acre of trees for solar panel installation. There is a 35-year-old forest taking up more than 20 acres of the 30 acres proposed for the WRG solar panels. Trees capture carbon and provide other benefits vs. solar panel energy, which replaces fossil-fuel energy with renewable energy. 

Jim invites any Green Acton members to participate Thursday Feb 11 at 7:30 PM at a special event to discuss trees and solar at the WR Grace site.
or by phone: 646 558 8656 with Meeting ID: 915 5484 8429 with Passcode: 782588

           > hearing and public comment on Acton’s VMP (Vegetation Management Plan)*

Plan covers how the town will deal with nuisance vegetation for 2021–2025. Plan gets reviewed every 5 years. Consider coming to the Feb. 18 hearing or submitting comments by Feb 19. Contact ConsCom, Ag Commission, etc., to encourage them to comment on plan. 




Terra says that ConsCom has jurisdiction over the use of herbicides; Ag committee is currently not interested in taking up the issue.

            > candidates for Acton Board of Selectmen: Fran Arsenault & Jon Benson 

Jon Benson: BoS has been strongly supportive of environment: adopted town-wide Sustainability Policy in 2018; new Sustainability Director; innovations at Transfer Station to be more sustainable; Agricultural Commission and Right to Farm; Acton-Boxborough Farmers Market.

Re: “limit development unless it is necessary for community needs.” “Community needs” is a wide range of conflicting needs: e.g., providing housing versus open space. It is hard for Board and town staff to balance these conflicting needs.

Fran Arsenault: she has lived here for many years and raised 2 daughters here. Supports healthy and productive debate. Enjoys listening to people with different viewpoints. Supports GA mission, housing position. Values GA advocacy.  

Terra: would both candidates support a ban on new gas hook ups. Jon: asked staff to draft a clean energy home-rule petition. Fran: agrees with Jim’s proposal. 

Terra asked about the Housing Production Plan goals for reuse of existing facilities. Jon said AHDC is highly committed to affordable housing. Fran: at the last Acton Housing  ???

Kim: what would be the ideal population for Acton in your view? Fran: population is now at 23,000 people, which she thinks is a great number. Why then emphasize more housing if the population isn’t growing.  Refocus on our housing needs: 1 and 2 BR for seniors. Jon: we have a lot of housing in town some of which we wouldn’t like to have. There is a real need for more diverse housing so we may need to grow. 

Matt: what have we done well in the pandemic and what should we have done better? Jon: teachers and first responders have been fabulous. Fran: agrees about teachers, school board, also Town Manager.

• Checkout for anyone leaving meeting before ADMIN section


• Treasurers’ report. Wrapped up fundraising. We bought a software license for membership system.   Carolyn Kiely doing our taxes.

• Checkout

Carolyn Platt: shout out to Debra for great flyer about Plastics panel. Thursday, Feb 25, 7–8:15

Jim S-G: it brought back all these memories of campaigning, and he encourages everyone to contact the candidates with suggestions and concerns. 

Debra: lovely to see new faces.

Minutes: 2021 February 9

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