Green Acton Public Positions on Town Meeting 2019 Warrant Articles

#5: Town Capital: Kelley’s Corner Supplemental Engineering and Appraisal Services

Neither recommend nor oppose

Green Acton directors hold a range of opinions about this project, and have not reached consensus on whether to recommend or oppose this article. We recommend that voters learn as much as they can about the proposed project, consider the pros and cons, and be prepared to participate in the decision-making process at Town Meeting, beginning April 1.

#28: Amend General Bylaws: Public Way Permits

(The Green Acton directors have withdrawn their decision to oppose this article. Details are here)

#29: Amend Town Charter: Planning Board Membership


Green Acton opposes this article. We would prefer that the work of the board be expanded to include additional planning and policy review for the Town. We anticipate that an expanded mission would attract more people to the board, and that such planning and review will require the engagement of a full board of seven members. J

#30: Amend Zoning Bylaw: Detached Accessory Apartments
#31: Amend Zoning Bylaw: Accessory Apartments


Green Acton supports zoning bylaw changes that would enable homeowners to create small, detached accessory dwelling units because smaller units fill unmet needs in Town for housing family members or people with disabilities, and those seeking modest accommodations. We do not have a position on which of these articles or possible amendments is the preferable option.D

#32: Amend General Bylaws: Plastic Bag Reduction


Green Acton supports this article because it would reduce plastic pollution locally, reduce plastics consumption, and add Acton’s voice to the growing number of cities and towns asking for a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags.J

#33: Non-Binding Resolution: Building Moratorium
#34: Non-Binding Resolution: Development Rate Limitation Bylaw
#36: Non-Binding Resolution: Limit Size of New Single Family Houses
Neither recommend nor oppose
Green Acton recognizes that issues identified in these three articles are worthy of investigation and discussion. Although we are not prepared to recommend or oppose these articles at this time, we do recommend that over the course of the next year and beyond, Town staff, boards and committees, and residents engage in related research and planning.D

#35: Non-Binding Resolution: Land Clearing Limits


Green Acton supports this article because of the importance of preserving green and open space in our community, which sequesters carbon and helps mitigate impacts of our climate emergency, and helps arrest biodiversity loss. We also believe that this initiative can advance the Town’s sustainability goals while respecting the rights of landowners. J

#39: Amend General Bylaws: Stormwater Management Revisions
#40: Amend Zoning Bylaw: Stormwater


Green Acton supports this article, and the related article #40. These articles are part of a larger set of planned improvements to Acton’s stormwater management. The comprehensive plan includes changes that will be good for the environment, including designing for a 25-year storm rather than a 10-year storm, being more specific about how runoff and recharge are calculated, and requiring treatment for water quality before discharge offsite. A more complete description of these stormwater articles, and the reason for our support, is in this post.

Summary of 2019 Warrant Article Recommendations

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