On December 10, 2018, the Board of Selectmen reviewed a third draft of a proposed Acton Sustainability Policy, and passed it unanimously. It can be read at http://www.acton-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/5275/Town-of-Acton-Environmental-Sustainability-Policy-Final This version incorporated suggestions from Board members and the Town Manager. Green Acton was thanked for its role in creating the original drafts, and commenting on subsequent drafts. The Acton Beacon covered the process of approving the policy here:
Agreeing to this policy commits the Town to creating and agreeing on specific goals for environmental sustainability, and plans for achieving them. Green Acton will follow this process closely, and advocate for the strongest possible goals and plans.
Big congratulations to Jim and Debra and the other GA members who worked on innumerable drafts of this Sustainability Policy, and big thanks to the Board of Selectmen for prioritizing sustainability amid all the other demands on their time and attention.